As I mentioned earlier in the week, we just got home from a cruise to the Bahamas with my mom & dad. We’ve been on several cruises before, including our honeymoon. For past guests, they always have a “Captain’s Cocktail Party” – which pretty much translates to free booze. Most of the drinks they serve are easy to make cocktails – that only contain a few ingredients. And, that’s where I met the lime daiquiri. So simple and so easy going down, I just love them. Here I am, enjoying one in a coconut monkey head. Um, best drink prop ever?

Now, I know it’s not really the season for refreshing cocktails, as it’s October and all. But, last week my love and recollection for this little number was revived. So, I naturally had to share it with you guys when I got home. Made with fresh lime juice, sugar, and rum – it’s much better than the version aboard the ship, whom I suspect are using a commercial mixer.

As Hurricane Sandy approaches our little coastal peninsula, I’m glad we stocked up on duty-free liquor. Monday should be a good day to stay holed up in the house with the family, listening to the winds howl, and enjoying one of these drinks. We’ve been through so many hurricanes, we try not to sweat it anymore. But this track, primarily which part of the storm is supposed to hit us first, has got me a little concerned. I’m sure we’ll fare alright, I hope everyone else does as well!