With all the time we’ve spending at home, we’ve done a lot more eating. We’ve gotten a bushel of crabs twice since the season has opened, and it’s not even Memorial Day. First world problems, right?

A bushel if blues usually constitutes one meal for our family, followed by a bunch of picking of the leftovers in the following days. We usually will take the legs and top shell off – making them easier to store in the fridge, as well as less mess and trash on your hands once picking commences.

I usually go for the standards when I have copious amounts of crab on my hands – my favorite crab cakes, cream of crab soup, creamy crab dip, Maryland crab soup. Sometimes I’ll go a little more out on a limb with something like crab pizza or a crabby Bloody Mary.…but crab pie? That’s a first for me.

I love savory pies – whether it’s a juicy tomato pie, or a quiche that’s chock full of roasted veggies and goat cheese. So, I was definitely down with the concept of a crab pie. Freshly picked crabmeat baked in a cheesy creamy custard base? Okay.

I’m happy to report it turned out to be a winner. If a crab cake and a bowl of crab dip were to have a lovechild – it would be this crab pie. It’s rich and filling, and super impressive. I served it warm, with a nice green salad to lighten and brighten – and it was a perfect meal.